Art. Roseto
Art. Roseto

This article would represent a printed fabric with the traditional hand printed method, this not only because we deeply think that the art of masters of Como must be reproduced and preserves, but also because the nuances the depths the details and the relief obtain cannot be imitate by today’s massive digital printing techniques.

We than proceed with the creation of a real painting framework, provided with holes thought which the color will pass, once it will be lay on the fabric. Each framework outlines a detail: the leaves are created first, then with a second framework a part of the bud, then the petals, until the complete design is obtained, thanks to the succession of 9 print frame. After that we move forward cm 90 that correspond to the vertical repeat of our pattern and we proceed to the next meter of fabric. After all a treatment is made to make the printing permanent even after washing.

The fabric used to emphasize the beauty of this design is Corso Como: the most precious linen of our collection; three variants are also presented in Trevira, to be used in charming Hotels and relays.